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Wind ~~ 2020-21

Pamphlet stitch binding, handmade paper cover; kozo, kozuke, kurotani blue washi; gold hot foil, handset lead type, hand drawn stone lithography, chine colle. Custom shelf : Book board, handmade paper, cotton embroidery thread
15 x 6.5"


Wind uses the artist book format to unfold multiple speculations about where wind forms, what it is made of, and how it affects other states of matter. It questions how a body senses and how a body is sensed.

During a phone conversation I had with my grandmother in 2020, she said, "there is far more that we do not know, in this world that we have been brought into". Her words percolated in my thoughts until they resurfaced as I found myself walking through hordes of fallen leaves being thrust into cyclonic waves on Mont Saint Bruno. In that moment, I realized that wind is something I have taken to be a given, while lacking any real comprehension of its many potential forms.


All images © 2013 - 2024 Megan Stein.

Written consent required for distributing or reproducing images

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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